Sunday, February 8, 2009

simple joys, take cupcakes for example

Don't you love how friends make you feel instantly good, just in the way they smile at you?
You can be having the worst day ever and then just being near them brightens your whole outlook.
I think too many people take their friends for granted, so I am making an effort to be more appreciative of my friends. I know I couldn't cope without them.
But it isn't only your best buds that can make your day great. I put on my favorite pair of socks last week and I was pysched for the next 3 hours. I think people under estimate the value of a good pair of socks =)
Another thought about things that make you happy, seeing people who make your day. Not friends, they ARE your day. No, just a person who brightens your day by just walking past. Wouldn't that be a great way to affect someones day? Just to walk past them and make them smile for a while =)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Amazingly Fantastic

Curious George...I mean how cool is he?

I think he is the perfect hero.

He's cute, he is curious and he's a monkey.

The whole world is so wonderful to George, and that is something i really appreciate.

I try not to take anything for granted, it's really hard. You don't realise how wonderful your life is, well not entirely in any case.

I mean imagine for instance if you suddenly lost the ability to swallow food?

Something most of us do without thinking, but i mean how would we cope if we couldn't? Thinking about that makes you appreciate swallowing, and then you think about all the other things you take for granted. And then you realise how complicated life and the world is.

Speaking of complicated, I found this really cool. Mendeleev, the guy who ordered the periodic table, realised that there was a pattern to how the elements existed. He knew where to leave gaps in his table so that when future elements were discovered they would fit into his table. Even nature, the most random and unpredictable thing, has a pattern and can, in some form be predicted. They makes the world seem less complicated.

So with the world constantly switching between being complicated and then simple, I got to thinking. You start thinking about these things, and then as soon as you start to make sense of them the thought you were exploring vanishes. Maybe we aren't supposed to figure out the meaning behind everything?

Meaning steals the magic from things, I mean don't get me wrong I am a big fan of the meaning of things. Where would we be without exploring medicine as we do? Not far. I love learning new things and I love understanding new things. But everytime I learn something new, part of me mourns for the small amount of innocence I have lost. Ignorance may be a terrible thing at times, but i also think that ignorance creates a sense of magic, magic we all need in our lives.

Another thought, perfect moments. I know, it's not that original, but have you ever had that feeling that everything in your life is just absolutely perfect. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular, it could be just after you've woken up in the morning and your lying in bed. These moments are what make life special. You may only have one in your life or you may have a few. But my wish is that you have at least one! Do want to know a hint to having these moments: appreciate everything good that happens to you, find the good in the bad things that happen to you.

And a surefire way to feel better about the world is to watch Curious George as much as possible!