Sunday, February 8, 2009

simple joys, take cupcakes for example

Don't you love how friends make you feel instantly good, just in the way they smile at you?
You can be having the worst day ever and then just being near them brightens your whole outlook.
I think too many people take their friends for granted, so I am making an effort to be more appreciative of my friends. I know I couldn't cope without them.
But it isn't only your best buds that can make your day great. I put on my favorite pair of socks last week and I was pysched for the next 3 hours. I think people under estimate the value of a good pair of socks =)
Another thought about things that make you happy, seeing people who make your day. Not friends, they ARE your day. No, just a person who brightens your day by just walking past. Wouldn't that be a great way to affect someones day? Just to walk past them and make them smile for a while =)


  1. Friends are the shizz =]
    i know what you mean! i put up one blog and its like PING! instant happiness!

    cya tomorrow xox

  2. oh and i forgot to say.
    that's what cute guys do. they walk by you and you just SMILEEEE.

    n thanks for the journalism thing! i really do hope i do make it =]

  3. i completely get what you mean when say "a person who brightens your day by just walking past"


  4. oops meant to write "when you say"


  5. i like socks :)
    and friends
    not necessarily in that order
    ur quite brilliant, i believe u can read minds.
