Sunday, April 26, 2009

a double page spread of mackie thanks to miss mims

Today was amazingly wondrous.
And I just want you all to know that I appreciate it.
Because without you guys (and you know who you are) it wouldn't have been so.
In remembering the occurrences of my day I cannot recall anything that was outstandingly memorable, but that's just it I guess. That is what made it so extremely special, that it was just another day spent with the people I love just existing, nothing special, just living and breathing. A day that I will never get back and might never have again.
Happiness is so infectious, so perhaps I contracted it from my beautiful friend Mimi who, this morning was in fits of laughter over the smallest of things. Or maybe i contracted it from my mate Felicia who had a hard task to achieve today and did it bravely and was then overjoyed with relief. Or maybe my bud Megan made me realise it was a good day after she had a bad math lesson and yet still managed to be cheery and joyful all day. Cassy might have made my day when she reminded me that we were to both partake (gosh i love that word) in school footy tomorro. Or did Sarah with her joyful excitement at the appearance of a lost love of mine?
Maybe a mix of the lot.
But I think it all started with the delivery of a double page spread about the most amazing man on the planet. Mimi delivered his beautiful face to me late last night and I have been so overjoyed since then, it's on the verge of insanity.

Another thought, if you could call the previous a thought, which i highly doubt, so we shall call this my first thought: In speaking to my bestie today I said that whenever something bad happened to me I thought of footy and how lucky I was to have that. I almost lost that this year you see. but in reflecting on this statement I realised that wasn't quite true. I live for football, it is my outlet, my strength and it brings me much joy. It has introduced me to the likes of Andrew Mackie, who is now a major source of motivation and influence for me. But it isn't obviously the only thing that makes me happy. Footy maybe be what I live for, but my life is given worth and meaning by the beautiful people around me. Although I guess I could live without my friends and fam, it wouldn't be worth it. They are my life.
So I just thought I would set that straight.
Because I could die tomorrow you see, or I might not who's to know. I want the people who make my life what it is, to know they are special.
My new thing not to take for granted: my friends, and my brother =)
So think about how much certain peeps mean in your life, the more they mean the more you need to let them know what they mean to you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it's so hard not to take things for granted
    there's so many things to consider each day
    doesn't your mind just get overwhelmed with thoughts sometimes?
    i think it's because we're constantly looking at the smaller picture, but when we take a moment to step back and look at the bigger picture we see things in such a different perspective

  3. babe you are the sweetest!
    i will love you forever
    even if u did take me for granted..
    which you DONT :)

    more than banks and his polos

  4. it would be wayy better if you didn't die tomorrow =]
    and i love ya too!


  5. yay.
    i'm so glad that article meant so much to you, it's so cool that two minutes of running and a flimsy piece of paper can cause such immense bliss (and insight) within 24 hours.
    cheers to the little things in life :)
    not just for ur super massive-cool kicks
